Weekly Wisby 13: Community’s-a-changin’

My new course, API Design & Best Practices, is SICK! And I don’t mean sick like an urban slur, I mean our teacher is actually laying sick in bed unable to teach. And it sucks, because the new course is SICK (now it’s an urban slur). Like I said last week, it’s about making your code airtight, as opposed to making your code solid as air. Let’s hope Ulf (the teacher) gets well soon.

Touching on last week, we made the posting process an internal discussion. But now we actually have a method in place, instead of hastily winging it. Thursday is now posting day, and Monday is polling day: every Monday I’ll offer the team some suggestions, then they can react which one they like best (or veto ones that are too revealing). Of course, I can’t tell you which ones we polled, but the winners I’ll repeat in the blog here. And this week’s winner was… (drum roll), MY FLICKER EFFECT!

Simple yet elegant.

Nice little things like this add some atmosphere to the scene. What do you think? Let me know.

A lot of community stuff happened this week actually. For example, we split our community and developer server in 2.

Good ol’ Break It server 

New Break It Developers server 

Having developer channels mixed in the Break It server was something we liked to try out, but on inspection wasn’t working the way I envisioned. My hopes were that it would encourage the other members a bit to engage with the community more, but it had the opposite effect of stressing them out over the community being so close all the time. Live and learn amiright?

Continuing the community-spree, this Thursday I finished the game I was streaming for them, Night in the Woods! There’s not much to say about it: reflecting on it the stream was always kind of slow. Seems that linear story games don’t leave much to the streamer’s imagination. But now that the Sunday stream has freed up, I made it a party games focused instead! It was a lot of fun playing stuff like Spy Party and Bidiots and I hope to do it again sometime.

If you think I’m going to explain Bidiots, you are a big idiot.

And last but not least, I took another close look at the creation of our website. 2 weeks ago, I mentioned we want to make it horizontally scrolling. After some quick research I found https://scepterandsword.com. This was made completely in WordPress with Elementor (a paid plugin), and there’s even an online tutorial on how to create this effect exactly for yourself!

Since minors aren’t allowed to access the site (it’s just wine guys) here is a video of.

It’s not on our priority list right now, but once we get to it I’m happy to know the effect is possible in WordPress, instead of having to recreate the website in code from scratch myself.


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